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Videos of my 3 1/2” gauge 4F loco

I started building this loco in the late 1980’s, it took me about 5 years to get it built and running at first without the boiler cladding, over the next year or so I got it finished and painted, not in the standard BR Black but in Crimson Lake of the Midland Railway! It has been run on a few of the local club tracks and performs well.

The first two videos are testing the loco at home prior to taking to Chesterfield track for the boiler pressure & steam test July 2019, to renew the certificate on the boiler for another year. (Now out of ticket again!)

Second video is getting the boiler to produce as much steam as possible and check that the safety valves can cope and not allow the pressure to go much above the 80lb mark on the gauge.

The video running around the track at Hady Track, Chesterfield after getting it certified. It was filmed vertically on my phone but on converting to use on here, it is in a horizontal format, so it is a bit squashed!. The wobble is the track, not my phone!